I have come to the conclusion that Micah is very modest. (Although I have no idea how a modest person ended up in this household.) He really does not like to be naked. Everytime you take Micah's diaper off to change him, he screams. Well, he usually pees all over everything and everyone first then screams.
Today was Micah's circumcision. I had been dreading this day all week, but probably not as much as Micah would have dreaded it had he known what he was in for. Dr. Wheaton seemed confident that Micah would not "fuss" during the procedure because he would be numb and not even realize what was happening. I tried to tell him otherwise, but he would not listen. I knew that as soon as the Doctor got Micah's clothes off he would start screaming. Dr. Wheaton actually gave me the option of staying in the room to watch. Um, no thanks, I'm good in the waiting room.
Sure enough, as soon as we got to the waiting room, the screams started. At first it was "Hey put my clothes back on." Then it was, "I am really getting ticked." Then they turned to, "Get your hands off me...but first put my clothes back on." Finally the procedure was over and the screams turned to, "I just want my Mommy."
Dr. Wheaton seemed really shocked that Micah screamed like he did. I tried to warn him, but I have discovered that doctors think they know everything. Mothers can't possibly know their own children, right?
Thankfully it is all over now and Micah is doing just fine. He is all swaddled up and sleeping peacefully. I plan to take it easy with him the weekend and not have him out and about being passed from person to person. It seems like it will be a good weekend to stay in and 'veg' out since the weathermen are calling for rain until Tuesday.
By the way, Micah was weighed again at his appointment today. My baby has gained back the three ounces he lost in the hospital as well as another five ounces on top of that. He weighed in at nine pounds eight ounces today and measured twenty and a half inches long. That is a half an inch longer than at birth. They really do grow up too fast. I will have a ten pounder before long!