Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Day With Grammy And Pa

We just took a short day trip today to check out the temp of the beach and sand at Land's End with Jonah and Noah.
Even though the sun was beautiful and they both enjoyed digging in the sandy beach, we all decided that we need to wait on some warmer weather to bare the feet yet!
I think Gram Pa and Grammy had the best time of all!
In spite of the great time we had, Denise I don't know how you do it 24/7 with all five of you; just the day wears me out!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Best Buddies & Brothers

I'll just have to add this other picture I had on hand. This was the last picture taken of Noah and Jonah together before Micah was born. Just as they appear in the picture, they are really wonderful play buddies and great brothers. Gotta luv um!

The Trouble With Pictures

The trouble with pictures is that I just can't seem to remember to take them. I always think, after the fact, that I should have grabbed the camera. My Mom on the other hand always seems to have her camera ready. Most of the pictures of my family are due to her. Those last pictures of Micah that she posted were taken when he was just five days old! I didn't buy the CD of the pictures, so I had Mom use her scanner to post them. I can't believe a month has gone by already. On one hand it seems like just yesterday that we brought him home. On the other hand he is so ingrained to our family that it seems like we have had him forever.
I will be taking all three boys to have Easter pictures done sometime this week. If I don't pull all of my hair out trying to get three boys to sit in one spot, look at the camera, and smile all at the same time, then I will try to post them. I promise to do better Melissa!

Micah's Pictures

Denise asked me to scan in these pictures we have of our new little angel, doesn't he look just like an angel? I'll let her fill you in at her next post.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Micah's Smile

Life is good this morning. I just got my first real smile from Micah. This wasn't the "That gas bubble felt funny" smile, but a real "I'm sure glad you are my Mommy" smile. It is enough to make the whole day look brighter.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Noah's Dictionary

Beef Turkey: The stuff that looks like bacon and tastes like spicy ham. (AKA Beef Jerky)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sleeping Babies

Watching your baby sleep has to be one of the greatest things on earth. Around two thirty this morning, after Micah had finished nursing, I just sat there in our chair holding him and looking into his eyes. I know that I should have put him down in his bassinet and let him go to sleep on his own. I also know that on the nights when he refuses to go to sleep unless I am holding him, I will be kicking myself for those nights when I did not put him down. On the other hand, there is something magical that happens just as a baby falls asleep. Watching him last night as his eyes would drift close and then pop back open (like he was checking to be sure I was still there) was like watching a miracle. Micah is such a cute sleeper. He makes faces in his sleep, both smiling and frowning at times. Sometimes his little legs start going like he is going to take off and run somewhere.
Last night I could not stop asking how we could have possibly been so blessed to have three beautiful healthy children. Watching Micah sleep once again humbled me to the great responsibility God has trusted us with. It seems like I am rambling, but I can't seem to find the words to express how grateful I am for our children, especially when there are those out there that have children who are struggling with health or other issues. It puts me on my knees in prayer for those who don't get the opportunity to have these moments.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Where There Is Smoke...

...There is USUALLY fire. However, in my case smoke does not always equal fire. Joe and I had many "lively" discussions about whether or not to include a fireplace when we were planning our new house. We finally decided to include a wood burning fireplace and then plan to convert it to gas logs when Joe decides that he is too old to chop wood anymore. Little did I know at the time what a horrible fire builder I was. We always joke that there is no need to worry about me ever accidentally burning down the house because I can't even get a fire to burn on purpose. I just can not seem to get that fire to burn! Joe will sometimes call me from about a mile away on his way home from work and ask how long I have been trying to get the fire to start. He will know that I have been trying from the thick black smoke rising from the vicinity of our home. I get plenty of smoke, not much fire, and no heat at all. I can't tell you how much of a failure I feel like every time he walks in and pokes at my non-burning stack of sticks and in no time turns them into a roaring blaze that warms the house in just a few minutes. It makes me long for the day that I will get my gas logs complete with remote control.
Today was another story all together! The was a bit of a chill in the house this morning, so I decided to light a fire. Much to my suprise, it actually worked. It is now so hot in the house that I may have to turn on the air. My kids have stripped down to their underwear trying to cool off. I hope Joe gets home early so that I can show off my handiwork. Anyway, I know most of you think this is of no importance, but I am so proud of myself I could burst!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Bit About Micah

I love watching Micah and comparing how different he is from my other two boys, yet how so many things are the same. For instance, all of my children have loved to be swaddled. If they are a little restless, all it takes is to wrap them up tight in a blanket and they are calm in an instant. (My Aunt Dale taught Joe how to swaddle an infant when Noah was born and he has become the pro swaddler in the house) Noah loved his fleece blankets, but Micah refuses to lay on a fleece blanket. For him it has to be a stretchy cotton one.

Jonah always prefered to sleep on his side or tummy, he never would stay on his back. Even as an infant, if I put him on his back, he would somehow manage to flip over to his side. Micah does not like to lay on his tummy or his side. He would much rather be put down on his back, which is a good thing because of the SIDS issue.

Noah never used a passy. I finally got Jonah to take one when he was about a month old, but he never got attached and gave it up around nine months. Micah still does not seem to want his, so I am not going to push it on him.

As far as looks go, I think Micah looked a lot like Noah when he was first born, but now I don't see that quite as much. I recently looked back over our photo album and I am amazed at how much Jonah is resembling Noah when he was about a year and a half old.

As I read back over some of my more recent posts, it seems like I have been complaining on here a lot lately. I am not sure why that is because things really are going well. We are all enjoying having Micah home with us. Both Noah and Jonah are great big brothers. Noah loves to hold Micah and thinks it is great when he goes to sleep in his arms. Jonah must kiss Micah about one hundred times a day and his new favorite word is "baby". Everyone pitched in around the house to make things easier on me as I recovered from the c-section. I have recovered quickly and am actually doing everything that I was before I had the surgery. All in all, life here is different than before, but in a very good way!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bone Heads

Some people are just bone heads.

I don't mind people asking personal questions. I am a very open person and will usually tell you more than you wanted to know anyway. However, I think there is a right way and a wrong way to approach a subject. Asking me if I have been, or am planning on getting "fixed" is not in my opinion the best way to inquire as to whether or not Joe and I plan on having any more children.

First of all, I did not realize that I was "broken" and in need of getting "fixed". Second of all, my method of birth control (if any at all) should concern only my husband, myself, and my doctor. Lastly, if you are going to ask bone head questions, please be considerate enough to remember if you have asked the same question previously. This particular bonehead has asked the same question twice since I got pregnant with Micah.

Like I said before, I don't mind answering personal questions. I did not get "fixed" as the bone head put it, nor do I intend to do so any time in the near future. Joe and I both desire to have more children. Whether we will have more biological children or whether we will be provided the opportunity to have a child in another fashion is still yet to be seen. If we never bring home any more children it will be because that is what God has planned for us and we will continue to praise Him for the three that He has given us. Until that time comes, I refuse to limit God by my own actions.

Please know that if you are reading this you are not the bone head I am ranting about. I would never invite a bone head to read my blog. As for the bone head who asked the question, I wish I had been thinking quickly enough last night to give the rant that I just wrote, but all I did was frown, shake my head and walk away. But since said bone head has asked the same question so many times already, I am sure that I will get another chance...and this time I will be ready!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dr. Visits

Yesterday was Jonah's appointment with the dermatologist at MUSC. We had really been looking forward to this visit in hopes that there would be something new that we had not already tried to heal his skin. Turns out we have tried everything and the suggestions that we got yesterday were things that we have been trying for over a year that have not yet helped. At this point I am sick of hearing doctors tell me what I already know, so I think we are done with dermatologists for a while. Hopefully Jonah will outgrow the eczema soon.
Micah has still been sniffling and his left eye has just been a mess with yucky stuff running out of it and nearly sealing it shut. Since we were already in Charleston yesterday, I took him by to see our pediatrician. Turns out there is not really much they can do for the congestion, but he has a plugged tear duct in his left eye that has become infected. We got a prescription for some antibiotics to put in his eye that should clear up the infection soon and the tear duct (hopefully) will heal on its own.
On a good note...Micah is now at 21 and 1/2 inches and weighs well over ten pounds. It seems like Micah is growing up so much faster than my other two did. I guess it is sort of like time going faster the older you get. I haven't figured out how to slow it down yet!

Friday, March 13, 2009

S.C. Pollen

Today I am feeling like there is nothing good about springtime. Wednesday was such a nice day out that I kept all the windows open to let the fresh breeze blow through the house. Unfortunately I also let all of the nasty pollen blow through the house as well. We are all now walking around with stuffy heads, watery eyes, and sneezing every two minutes. Even poor little Micah has been sniffling and sneezing.
Yesterday I began noticing that the pollen was turning everything outside to that sickening yellow/green shade that everyone in the south recognizes as trouble. Hopefully the rain this weekend will clean the air a little and we will soon get some relief. As pretty as springtime is, I will be glad when it is over!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have come to the conclusion that Micah is very modest. (Although I have no idea how a modest person ended up in this household.) He really does not like to be naked. Everytime you take Micah's diaper off to change him, he screams. Well, he usually pees all over everything and everyone first then screams.
Today was Micah's circumcision. I had been dreading this day all week, but probably not as much as Micah would have dreaded it had he known what he was in for. Dr. Wheaton seemed confident that Micah would not "fuss" during the procedure because he would be numb and not even realize what was happening. I tried to tell him otherwise, but he would not listen. I knew that as soon as the Doctor got Micah's clothes off he would start screaming. Dr. Wheaton actually gave me the option of staying in the room to watch. Um, no thanks, I'm good in the waiting room.
Sure enough, as soon as we got to the waiting room, the screams started. At first it was "Hey put my clothes back on." Then it was, "I am really getting ticked." Then they turned to, "Get your hands off me...but first put my clothes back on." Finally the procedure was over and the screams turned to, "I just want my Mommy."
Dr. Wheaton seemed really shocked that Micah screamed like he did. I tried to warn him, but I have discovered that doctors think they know everything. Mothers can't possibly know their own children, right?
Thankfully it is all over now and Micah is doing just fine. He is all swaddled up and sleeping peacefully. I plan to take it easy with him the weekend and not have him out and about being passed from person to person. It seems like it will be a good weekend to stay in and 'veg' out since the weathermen are calling for rain until Tuesday.
By the way, Micah was weighed again at his appointment today. My baby has gained back the three ounces he lost in the hospital as well as another five ounces on top of that. He weighed in at nine pounds eight ounces today and measured twenty and a half inches long. That is a half an inch longer than at birth. They really do grow up too fast. I will have a ten pounder before long!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Adventures In Nursing

Homeschooling went a little better today...both Micah and Jonah slept the entire time. However, this is what happened midway through our class on short vowel sounds.

Me: Noah, I need you to say the correct short vowel sound for each card I hold up.
Noah: But Momma...
Me: Noah, pay attention.
Noah: But Momma...
Me: (Holding up the letter E) What does this vowel say?
Noah: MOMMA!
Me: Fine Noah, what do you need?
Noah: Your boob is leaking.

So much for any dignity I had.

Belly Buttons

Micah lost his umbilical cord at some point during the night last night. When I got up with him around four, it was no longer attached. I found it later in the foot of his sleeper. He now has a very cute little belly button. Losing his cord has been the least dramatic of all of my children.
I remember when I brought Noah home from the hospital and I worried so much about his umbilical cord. His just would not fall off. He had gotten old enough that he was reaching down and pulling on it, so we took him back to the doctor to see what they would do. They used some type of chemical that caused it to fall off right then.
Jonah lost his when he was about a week old, but he cried so much as a infant that he developed an umbilical hernia. It looked like a very large 'outie' belly button. Fortunately, it went away on its own as he got older.
I am really glad to see Micah's belly button healed, especially as we are going first thing in the morning for his circumcision. Good to only have to worry about one thing at a time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A First Time For Everything

This is Noah's first week back at school since the baby. Yesterday went well. I waited until Jonah was down for his nap and Micah had just been fed, so Noah and I had the afternoon to ourselves. Today we were not so lucky. Jonah only slept for thirty minutes at naptime (barely enough time to drag all the school stuff out) and Micah decided that he needed to spend over an hour enjoying a late lunch. This means that I homeschooled a five year old, and nursed a newborn, and entertained a sixteen month old with a flashlight...all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking! It is a good thing Mom came over this morning and let me get a little sleep or I would have pulled my hair out by the time we were done.
While Mom was here this morning she took pictures of Noah and Jonah's new haircuts. I see that she already posted them. I should have taken a video of the cutting process. Jonah would not sit still and Joe was about to have a nervous breakdown. I laughed until I had to leave the room because it was hurting my incision so much. I waited as long as possible before cutting Jonah's hair because I knew it would make him look so grown up. After the cutting was over, I looked at Jonah and said, "I don't have a baby anymore." Noah looked up at me like I was crazy and said, "Momma, that is okay, you just brought home a new one!"
Yes, of the four males in the house, Micah does have the most hair now. He has hair ALL OVER! His ears are furrier than a puppy dog's ears. Joe threatened to cut Micah's hair while he had the scissors out the other day, but I put my foot down. I suffered with heartburn in order for him to get that hair, and by golly he is keeping it until it falls out on its own!

Jonah's First Hair Cut

This is Grammy Joan again with some pictures.

This weekend Joe decided it was barber time for the boys and himself. Jonah's hair has never been cut but was beginning to curl up and look a little scraggly. He looks like he grew up at least 6 months immediately.

Noah wanted a short hair cut so that when he and Jonah decide to wrestle than Jonah wouldn't have enough hair to grab hold to and pull! So now out of the four males in the house, Micah probably has the most hair!

Last is a picture of Noah being such a great big brother & playing with Micah.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Protective Head Gear

The night before we went into the hospital to deliver Micah was stressful to say the least. Just as I was getting ready to put the boys to bed, Jonah tripped in the living room and struck his head on the stone hearth to our fireplace. If you look at the pictures of him in the hospital you will see what looks like a third eye in the middle of his forehead. It started swelling as soon as it happened and nearly scared me to death. Needless to say, I did not sleep at all that night. I watched him like a hawk and woke him every two hours just to make sure he would wake up!
Today, my first day at home by myself with the three boys, started out very well. Everything was running smoothly and on schedule until about 10:30 this morning. Jonah (I swear that child is part mountain goat) decided to climb in his recliner and stand in it backwards, hence flipping it over and landing on his head. Once again a huge bump, this time on the right side of his head and once again I thought my heart had stopped. It was a little tricky getting him calmed down since I am really not supposed to be lifting him, but with some creative cuddling, we managed and other than another big knot on his head, all is right again. However, I am thinking that it would not be such a bad idea to invest in some type of protective head gear, if not for the sake of his head, then for the sake of my heart!

I'm Back

Thanks to Mom for taking over my blog while I was in the hospital and recovering. Hopefully she will continue to post as she is much better with the pictures than I am. This is my first day at home by myself with the boys and so far everything has gone well. I am stealing a little break while Micah is sleeping, Jonah is playing the drums, and Noah is watching a movie. Yes, Micah does sleep while Jonah plays the drums. He has adapted very well to life in the Givens household. We are NOT a quiet family!
I can' t thank everyone enough (especially Mom) for all that has been done for us. Joe and I have decided that we have eaten better this week since coming home from the hospital than we have in the past nine months. The meals, help with the kids and house, and prayers for our family are very much appreciated.
I will try to post more about our adventures this past week as I get time today.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Peaceful Sleep

I just had to upload this last picture. This is Micah finally home at last and sleeping peacefully.

Happy Boys

This is Grammy Joan again with a few more pictures of the boys.
Joe made it home with Denise and Micah around 5 p.m. on Sunday and Noah and Jonah were so excited to be home again also. Jonah was a little confused about his position about Micah but after cooing BABY, BABY, BABY I think he is satisfied to keep him for now! He didn't seem to pay too much attention to him in the hospital but boy he really noticed him at home. Noah is still the same typical big brother to both boys now.

Last day at the hospital for us !!!!!!!

I think I like having a Little brother !

Can you tell how happy I am at being the oldest brother?