Some people are just bone heads.
I don't mind people asking personal questions. I am a very open person and will usually tell you more than you wanted to know anyway. However, I think there is a right way and a wrong way to approach a subject. Asking me if I have been, or am planning on getting "fixed" is not in my opinion the best way to inquire as to whether or not Joe and I plan on having any more children.
First of all, I did not realize that I was "broken" and in need of getting "fixed". Second of all, my method of birth control (if any at all) should concern only my husband, myself, and my doctor. Lastly, if you are going to ask bone head questions, please be considerate enough to remember if you have asked the same question previously. This particular bonehead has asked the same question twice since I got pregnant with Micah.
Like I said before, I don't mind answering personal questions. I did not get "fixed" as the bone head put it, nor do I intend to do so any time in the near future. Joe and I both desire to have more children. Whether we will have more biological children or whether we will be provided the opportunity to have a child in another fashion is still yet to be seen. If we never bring home any more children it will be because that is what God has planned for us and we will continue to praise Him for the three that He has given us. Until that time comes, I refuse to limit God by my own actions.
Please know that if you are reading this you are not the bone head I am ranting about. I would never invite a bone head to read my blog. As for the bone head who asked the question, I wish I had been thinking quickly enough last night to give the rant that I just wrote, but all I did was frown, shake my head and walk away. But since said bone head has asked the same question so many times already, I am sure that I will get another chance...and this time I will be ready!
I thought only dogs and cats got "fixed". LOL
Good point Melissa, I'll have to bring that up the next time I talk to bone head.
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