Thursday, March 22, 2012

21 Days

If you were to ask me if I pray for my sons, I would immediately assure you that I do indeed pray for them every day.  However, upon a closer look I probably can't claim all of the time that I pray for them as actually praying for them.  For example, the prayer that I utter as my children walk the aisle to the front of the sanctuary for children's church...

Dear Lord, please do not allow my children to announce to the congregation that the smoke alarms went off in the house three times this morning before a breakfast of pop tarts was finally served; and please help Micah refrain from pulling hairs out of the pastor's beard; oh and Lord, if you could, it would be great if no one noticed that Jonah is wearing red snow boots with his wrinkled church clothes.  Thank you, Amen

... is probably not as much of a prayer for my children as it is for me!  On a serious note, I do want to be committed to pray for my boys, I want them to grow in the Lord and become men of God.  That is why I am so excited about a challenge that my new friend Angela let me in on.  It is the 21 Days of Prayers for Sons being held May 1-21, 2012. It is a challenge for mothers of boys to pray "purposefully and passionately for the hearts of your sons" and is based on the book, Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most

If you would like to join me on this challenge, you can learn more about it and sign up here.  As a bonus, if you sign up and share this message with others via some form of social networking by midnight tonight (3-22-12) you can receive a free e-copy of the book. (The link should give you all of the regulations.) 
If you miss the deadline for the free book, all is not lost!  You can still sign up for the challenge, and I have the opportunity to give one of the multitude of readers four readers of this blog a free copy of the e-book.  Simply leave a comment before midnight on 3-30-2012 (either here on this post or on Facebook) telling me what area you think our sons need prayer the most and I will enter you into a random drawing for a chance at winning a free e-copy of the book.

I do believe that praying for our sons is the way to change our world.  I look froward to this challenge not only for the 21 days but for the transformation in the way I view my prayer life for my children.  If you do not have boys in your life or do not want to join the challenge, could I ask you to pray for me, that I will be able to be the godly mother that my boys need?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Kid Sayings

My kids crack me up without even trying.  They truly are some of the funniest people that I know.  Here are some snapshots of conversations from the past week...

Noah:  Why does your speedometer go all the way to 120?
Me:  I guess it is so I can tell how fast I am going.
Noah:  Soooo the people who made the speedometer did not know it was going to be put into a minivan?

During a conversation about bullies and how our words can be harmful:
Me:  Micah you need to be very careful with that big mouth of yours so that no one gets hurt.
Micah:  Yep, 'cause I got sharp teeth in there!

Me: Jonah, get your shoes on.
Jonah: I can't find them.
Me: Where did you have them last?
Jonah: On my feet.

Oh how I love these kids and I can't wait until Ezrah can join in to keep the laughs coming.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Granny Faye

Today was Granny Faye's Birthday.
Flowers were some of her favorite things.

 We spent part of our day planting some in her memory.

 The little boys thought playing in the water and dirt was so much fun.

 As the day went on Noah said, "I think Granny would like these."

I know she would have liked them, and I know she would have liked being here to plant with us...and today more than ever, I would have liked that too.