Since we have to drive all the way to Charleston to see the pediatrician, we usually try to do something else while we are there. This time I promised Noah a trip to Chuck E Cheese. I told him he could pick a friend to go with us. Noah's pick was Pa, 'his favorite toy'.

Noah loves to play air hockey any time he sees it, but usually it is an adult sized table. This table was just his size. I heard him laughing and squealing all the way across the room. When I got there, I realized why. Noah was winning against Pa!

This is Jonah with Chuck E. Cheese. Noah is a bit leery of the giant mouse so you wont see any pictures of them together. (And I don't blame him) However, Jonah was fascinated with the giant head. He tried to climb in the mouth.
It was a fun day. Noah had a great time and Jonah laughed a lot. Looking at these pictures, I realize just how much I enjoy my children. It almost makes me feel guilty that I get to be with them all the time while Joe has to go to work. Then I remember that I am the one who changes diapers and scrubs the toilets. I guess I don't feel so guilty after all!
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