Friday, May 23, 2008

When Will I Ever Learn?

So today I feel like a horrible wife. Joe came home from work Wednesday evening complaining that his foot was sore and that he may need to go to the doctor. He had slipped while getting out of the truck and all of his weight landed on one spot of his foot. His foot had a hard knot on the top of it and was very red. I figured there was no need for a doctor; it was just a small sprain so we put ice on his foot and he elevated it overnight. When he got up Thursday morning he was still complaining but I just gave him some Tylenol and sent him off to work. By Thursday evening Joe could not put any weight on his foot and it was so swollen that we almost could not remove his boot. Once we did get his boot off, his foot continued to swell and turn every color in the rainbow. He also started running a fever. Needless to say, we were at the doctor's office bright and early this morning. Turns out it was just a sprain but because he did not stay off of the foot, it developed a nasty infection. I've never even heard of that happening. The doctor gave him some pain meds, a strong antibiotic, and instructions to keep his foot elevated all weekend. Hopefully by Monday the infection will be gone, the sprain however will take a bit longer to heal.
I feel horrible that we didn't go to the doctor sooner, but I hate the thought of running to the doctor for every little bump or bruise. On the other hand, I don't want the "wait and see attitude" to make a minor problem any worse. How do you decide what is serious enough for a doctor and what isn't?
In other news, Jonah has already cut his second tooth. This one came in much easier than the first. Maybe they are all going to be easy from now on! Pappy (my dad) watched the boys while Joe and I were at the doctor's office this morning. Noah told me that he likes Pappy's house because he has good food. I think my dad will have to make a trip to the grocery store because it sounds as if Noah ate the entire time he was there. My children have no idea how lucky they are to have so many people in their lives to love and spoil them.

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