I picked green beans out of the garden this morning. I got about ten gallons. As I was snapping my beans this afternoon, I couldn't help but appreciate where we live. It makes me feel so good to know that I can pick vegetables out of the garden in the morning and feed them to my family that very same night. How much fresher can you get than that? It is also good to know exactly what chemicals were and more importantly were not used on them. I am able to freeze or can my excess vegetables to sustain us all year long and I am able to make all of Jonah's baby food just as I did with Noah. Not only is it good for them, it saves tremendously on the grocery bill. As I was sitting here contemplating how country life just has to be the absolute best, I got a phone call from Joe. He and Noah were on the tractor in the backyard by the little pond. Joe told me to get the rifle and bring it to him quickly. They had spotted a large rattlesnake sunning himself in our backyard. Now I didn't mind looking at the snakes
at the zoo this weekend, they were safely ensconced in glass cages, but my backyard is a different story altogether. Noah and I were just out there last week pushing Jonah around in the stroller and searching for blackberries! As you can see from the photo, after a few shots, the snake was history. Sorry for the gore, but no one was getting close enough for a picture until I was absolutely sure that thing was dead!

When all the excitement was over and I finally got back to snapping my beans, it was with a little different attitude. I guess there are drawbacks to living in the country. Very
creepy ones at that. Even so, I would not trade it for the world!
I wish I had a garden! I tried to talk Tony into letting me use part of the landscaping on the side of the house as a garden, but he wouldn't have it. :-(
Not envying the rattlesnake though!
You are making me extremely homesick! I agree, country living IS the best, despite the critters. I can't wait to get back to it when Tj retires!
I know what you mean! I love it too! I wouldn't trade it for anything. Sometimes we take for granted the things that we have!
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