Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oops, I Spilled!

This afternoon, while I was nursing Jonah, Noah came running into the room. He was thirsty and he HAD to have something to drink immediately. I told him that I had to finish feeding Jonah but that he could get his cup and get some water. Our refrigerator has one of those in the door dispensers and Noah has used it many times before. It wasn't long before he came running back into the room frantically saying, "I spilled, I spilled." Spills happen quite frequently at our house so this was no big deal. I told him that I would clean it up later, to go and play and please let me finish feeding Jonah. A few minutes later Noah came back into the room. Once again he was thirsty. I repeated myself again about the water. I told him not to worry about the spill, just to get some more water in his cup. At this point Noah is near tears as he says, "But Momma, my cup is still spilling." Not knowing what he was talking about, I gave up on nursing Jonah and walked into the kitchen. Oh how I wish I had gone the first time Noah mentioned the spill. His cup had gotten jammed in the water dispenser and water was flowing all over my floor. It took four bath towels to soak up all the water. On the bright side, it was just water and not milk or some other sticky substance and my kitchen floor really needed to be cleaned anyway!