Jonah had his six month old check-up today. He is 26 inches long and weighed in at 16lbs. and 3oz. He is in the 29
th percentile for height and the 20
th percentile for weight. Noah was always in the 75
th percentile or higher, so although I know that Jonah is doing well, it is just so strange to have a child on the opposite end of the growth chart. Jonah was right on track with all of the "six-month" accomplishments such as reaching for things and bearing weight on his legs. Jonah was his typical self and puked all over Dr.
Wheaton, so he is referring us to a
gastrointerologist over at
MUSC. He is going to keep him on the
Prevacid for another three months. Even though it does not do much for the vomiting, it seems to help with the pain. Jonah has been a much happier baby since he has been on the medicine. As you can see from the pictures, he was all smiles today. At least until it came time for the shots. Jonah got three shots and one oral vaccine. Poor guy, I just don't think his little legs are fat enough to have to get shots in them. However, he did really well and only cried for about thirty seconds. Noah admitted that he cried much louder and longer the last time he had to have shots.

This is Dr.
Wheaton with my two boys, before shots of course. Jonah had a death grip on the stethoscope and Noah is grinning so big because he knew he didn't have to get any shots. After the visit with the doctor, we made a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. I'll post those pictures later. It has been a long day!
That is such a sweet picture! He looks so happy!
You know you should be thrilled. All that puking and he still weighs in more than Tres!! Don't worry though, I know Tres is eating like he is supposed to now, so it won't be long before he has caught him. We don't want him to be a stick like his daddy. He needs some meat on his bones. hehe
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