Thursday, April 3, 2008

Back From Texas

As most of you know, Mom and Mr. Jimmie have been in Texas for a couple of weeks visiting T.J. and Holly. They came back by way of Tennessee to visit with Michael and his family for a while. They are finally home! I am so glad they were able to take the trip and that they had a good time. They came over tonight to visit and see the boys. Noah was very excited to see his Grammy and Pa (his favorite toy). He even wanted to go home with them when they left. Noah has spent very few nights away from home, so this was a big deal. We got warm clothes on him, packed his bag, and moved the car seat to their vehicle. After all this, Noah decided that he wanted to stay home after all. I think maybe it was just a stall tactic to get them to stay longer.

Mom brought home refrigerator magnets with the boys names on them. She told me that my next child must have a common name. It has become easier to find items with Noah's name on them than it used to be, but for Jonah, Mom had to find one that said "JON" and add an "AH" on the end of it with permanent marker! Unfortunately, his middle name is not any easier. I can't imagine ever finding something that says Ozious, especially since it is technically spelled wrong.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I have yet to find a Reagan or a Loralei on anything! But in a way, that is what I wanted.
Glad your fam is back safe from Texas. Noah--that silly guy. Reagan loves spending the night at my parents. My mom goes in the guest room with her and they sleep together. Then Reagan comes home and wants me to sleep in her bed. Uh, no!