Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Music Lover

Jonah has been going through a stage where he does not want to be put down or go to sleep. I think he is a bit spoiled. Joe discovered from the time we brought Jonah home from the hospital that he loved to hear the piano. Now the only way that we can get him to go to sleep is to sit at the piano and play until he passes out. Today, he screamed every time I put him down. I literally held him all day long. The only time he would sit in his swing for any length of time was when American Idol was on. He watched every minute of the show without so much as a whimper. As soon as it was over, the screaming started again. He is definitely my music lover.
Every since Noah has been born, he has been fascinated with touch. He loves to feel all different types of textures. He has to put his hands on everything new that he sees. Even now, one of his favorite things is to go to a fabric store and feel all the different types of material.
It is amazing to me how both of my boys have developed their own "things" so early in life. It is going to be so much fun watching them grow and develop their personalities, likes, and dislikes. At least for now it is fun thinking about it. I just realized that they may develop a penchant for tattoos, piercings, or motorcycles. It is then that I will have to look back on the days that Jonah loved the sound of the piano and Noah loved the feel of fleece against his face.

1 comment:

Holly and Tj said...

Sounds like you are gonna have to keep the radio on if you want any 'down time!'