Monday, April 21, 2008

Some Days Are Better Than Others

People are always asking me how Jonah is doing. I don't mind the question, but I really don't know the answer. Yesterday was a great day...the best we have had yet. Jonah had only one episode of spitting up and it was just the "normal" baby spit-up. However, today was a different story. From the time Jonah woke up, he started vomiting. It did not matter what he ate it only stayed down for about two minutes before it all came right back. I get so discouraged. Nothing was different today than from yesterday. No new foods, same amount of medicine, and yet he is like a different child from one day to the next. We are not scheduled to go back to the doctor until April 30th. I think everyone thought that he would have outgrown this by now. He will be six months old tomorrow. So hard to believe! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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