Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Two More Teeth

Finally! Jonah has cut his top two teeth! He now has five teeth, three on the bottom and two on the top. Hopefully this means that the so called 'teething poop' is over but for some reason I am not getting my hopes up. I am really glad that these top two teeth are done as we all have had a very hard time waiting for them to break through. However, he now has developed this skin crawling habit of grinding his teeth together. He first did it when Joe was holding him and I thought, "What is the big deal, so he grinds his teeth a little?" Then while I was holding Jonah, he laid his head on my shoulder, put his mouth next to my ear, and made this horrible grinding sound with his teeth. It really is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. Stupid me, I put my finger in between his teeth so he would stop. Yes, of course, he bit me. I really should think these things through. Any tips on getting a child to stop grinding his teeth?


Melissa said...

Usually they stop grinding their teeth after they get used to them being in their mouth. If not, try a teething ring or something that he can put in his mouth to bite on.

So did you get much with the hurricane? I've been wondering about you.

Denise said...

Hannah was a joke. We got no wind and barely enough rain to settle the dust in the yard. However, we are now stocked up on enough Spam and Spagettio's to last a month!

Celeste said...

Tres still only has two. I guess Jonah will bee eating solid food sooner than Tres. Good luck with the grinding thing. I still wake myself up in the middle of the night bc I grind mine in my sleep.