And now for the news that everyone wants...IT IS A BOY!!! We are not 100% sure of course, but the technician seemed pretty sure. She said we would verify it next month when I have another ultrasound.
I am so excited about another boy. I love my two boys so much and I think they are the greatest things on earth. Noah is still getting used to the idea that we are having a boy and not a girl. He really wanted a girl this time. Joe says he is not disappointed, but I think he was hoping for a girl as well. I kind of feel guilty about the fact that we are having a boy and that I am so excited about it, but I think that no matter what the ultrasound would have shown today, I would have still been this happy. I am just so glad that God has chosen to bless us with another pregnancy.
That is awesome! Boys are so great! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness Denise! Another boy! Hey, at least you have all the clothes and boy toys! LOL
Wouldn't it be wild if at your next u/s they found out it was really a girl?!
So are you glad you found out, or do you wish you would have waited?
I am glad that I found out. Somehow it makes it seem that much more real. We did not find out with Jonah and that was fun as well, but I don't have any regrets about either one.
I just knew it was going to be a girl this time! But Congratulations on the boy! You will deff have some funny stories to tell after this one comes along haha. I can't wait to find out what I'm having!!
Yippee! We are going to be uncles again! lol
Ya'll will have a football tem soon! I'm telling you, little girls are so much fun, but they are a lot of work! LOL I pray the baby will be healthy and blessed, no matter what it is! :)
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