Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our Family

Last night we dropped Jonah off with Linda and my Dad so we could take Noah to finish shopping for his school supplies. Not that he really needs that many supplies for K-4, but it was the tax free weekend and we decided to take advantage of the sales. After we finished, I jokingly asked if there was anywhere else we needed to go before heading home. Noah promptly told me that we could not go home yet because we had forgotten Jonah and that if we went home without him he would cry until either myself or his Daddy went back to get him. This is the conversation that followed:

Joe: So even though Jonah cries, you like having him in our family?
Noah: Yes
Denise: Are you going to like having the new baby in our family too?
Noah: Mo-ma, that baby is already in our family.

Amazing isn't it? That simple statement brought tears to my eyes. We are now a family with three children. I know that the pregnancy hormones are raging, but I don't think they are to blame for the tears. I'm only nine weeks pregnant and already we are all so in love with this child! I can't wait until we actually get to show this love to our newest little one!

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