Our baby is about the size of a kidney bean this week. Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from our baby's hands and feet, his or her eyelids practically cover his or her eyes, breathing tubes extend from his or her throat to the branches of his or her developing lungs, and his or her "tail" is just about gone. In his or her brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. The external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether we are having a boy or a girl (hence the use of his or her) but we are contemplating finding out this time around. Our baby is constantly moving and shifting, though I still can't feel it. And for those of you who are considering the twin issue, I looked it up and we have less than a two percent chance of having twins so I think we can safely rule out that possibility!
I have been experiencing much more of the so called "morning sickness" than I did with either Noah or Jonah. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I am still nursing Jonah. Please pray that I can stick it out for a few more months. I know this is a little TMI for some of you, but the plan is to allow Jonah to have my milk until he reaches one year and then try to switch him to either cow or goat milk, depending on which he tolerates better. When Jonah is one year, I will be about five months pregnant. Hopefully I will be able to keep my milk supply up until then and I will be able to tough it out and do what is best for both babies.
We sure have been missing our little boys; if I don't see them soon there might be a kidnapping going on!! We are praying that this new little angel is going to be as healthy as our other two precious boys. It is exciting to see from week to week the development that occurs, I really like that!
So much for the breastfeeding as birth control myth.
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