Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where Does God Live?

Theology from Noah Travis Givens, age 4 1/2

Momma, I think you are wrong about where God lives. Heaven is not up in the sky, it is under the ground. God holds up the world and how can He do that if He is up in the sky above it? Nope, He has to be under it to hold it up. And when people die, we put them in the ground. Well, angels can't dig the people up and take them to heaven because angels have wings instead of hands. You can't dig with wings. So I think that God lives in the ground and when people die we put them in the ground to live with God. That is fine with me though. I think I would rather live in the dirt anyway than up on some cloud somewhere. Do you think they have backhoes and tractors in heaven? They should have them to move around all that dirt that is down there.


Melissa said...

What a precious conversation! I love the part about putting them in the ground to be with God. Deep thoughts for such a little guy!

Holly and Tj said...

Does that sound like a four and a half year old to you?! That is one deep thinker!

Celeste said...

Love It!!