Thursday, May 29, 2008

On A Serious Note

As some of you already know, Little Joe's Trucking is no longer in operation. The pay rates have not increased nearly enough to counteract the rising fuel prices and we simply can no longer afford to buy fuel to run. This was a very hard decision for Joe to make. Trucking is all he has wanted to do from the time that he was just a boy and is all he has ever known. Joe has found another job for right now and is still providing for our family. It is the first time he has had a boss (except me) since he was 18! I have no doubts that Joe will continue to be able to provide for our family. I just hurt for him at the thought of giving up what he has worked so hard to achieve.

I write this only for you to keep us in your prayers. Please pray that we know where to go from here and that we make the best choices for our family. We are treating this as a temporary situation, waiting to see what will happen next, but by the end of June we have to decide whether we are going to permanently close our business and sell out. This is not the best time to sell as many of the loggers and truckers in the area have already gone under; but at the same time, we really can't afford the fixed costs of a business that is no longer in operation.

I know that God will provide answers for us in His time, and that has nothing to do with any timeline that we have set for ourselves. However, it is one thing to know this and an entirely different thing to live it without experiencing panic attacks! I also know that God has a great plan for our lives and high fuel prices or not, He will see it brought to fruition.


grammyjoan said...

You know that even LIFE is a temporary situation and God will always be there to pull us through!
We hope He will show you the right decision to make and give you peace about it. Be patient but be careful!

Melissa said...

I have thought about you and Joe often--whenever I drive by the truck stop in our town and see the diesel prices. Ouch! I also heard a story similar to yours on the Dave Ramsey show. I'll be praying for wisdom and discernment for you and Joe in the coming weeks/months.

Denise C said...

Gas prices are hurting everyone and I wish they weren't. I wish we didn't need gas, but pretty much everyone does need gas. I hope ya'll get thru this and decide what you are going to do. Wade has always wanted to get his own truck, but I'm glad he didn't! Ya'll will be in my prayers.