Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Broken Toys

Sometimes I just don't have time to deal with broken toys so I sort of pretend that I can't fix it and push it off on Joe when he gets home from work. I know, it is an awful thing to do but come on, you probably do it also and just don't admit it. However, I didn't realize how often I use the same excuse until my conversation with Noah today.

Mommy, can you fix this?
Let me see it. It looks like we will have to take the screws out to get it done.
Well go ahead, I need it.
Noah, I can't fix your toy without a screwdriver. You will have to wait until Daddy gets home.
Mom, I need it now.
I don't have a screwdriver and unless you have one hidden away somewhere, you will have to wait until your Daddy gets home.
Wait, I will go get the one that I have hidden under my bed.
Why do you have a screwdriver hidden under your bed?
Well the last time my toy broke you said that I had to wait until Daddy came home unless I had a screwdriver hidden somewhere, so after Daddy fixed it the last time, I hid the screwdriver under my bed!

So today, I fixed the toy. I think I have been busted and unless I can come up with another line, I will be fixing many more toys in the future. When did my child get so smart?


Melissa said...

I can't stop laughing. That is great! I often use the "Daddy will have to fix it when he gets home" line too. Sometimes our kids are too smart!

Holly and Tj said...

That conversation gave us a good laugh! You won't be able to get away with anything before long!