Monday, August 4, 2008

First Day of School

So today was the day that I had been both anticipating and dreading. Joe and I decided early in the summer that we were going to home school Noah this year instead of placing him in a traditional 4-year old school program. We looked around, found a good curriculum, and dove in head first. I was not sure how this morning would go. I knew that we had made the best decision for us at the time, but I had fears that I would not be able to get him to learn or that I would not have the patience to deal with teaching a 4 year old while tending to a nine month old.
This morning, Noah was so excited about starting school that he was actually shaking! I was shaking too, but more from nerves than from anything else. I was just beside myself last night and this morning thinking that I had made a BIG mistake. I don't know why I was so worried, everything turned out just fine. We breezed through all of the lesson plans for the day in less than two hours. I was very surprised at how much Noah knows already. He did not want to stop when his lessons were over and is already looking forward to tomorrow. Jonah cooperated with us as well. All in all, the day went much better than I had expected. Once again I am feeling that we have definitely made the right decision. I am posting this now because I may have to come back and read it in March when I am teaching Noah while taking care of a one year old and an infant!


grammyjoan said...

Anybody who has been reading this blog for any leanth of time will understand that it will be hard to find something to teach Noah that he doesn't already know or at least has an opinion about! He's one smart cookie!

Melissa said...

You are going to be the busiest (and most fulfilled) woman in South Carolina! At least one of your babies will be "contained" as I say--can't walk or crawl and they stay where you put them!
So did you go with A Beka? ;-)

Denise said...

Yeah, we decided to go with A Beka. I know it is only the first week, but it really has gone well. It doesn't take up nearly as much of my day as I had thought it would. Noah loves it!