All three boys had appointments with the pediatrician on Friday. I almost cancelled from fears of taking them into a doctor's office and contracting swine flu, but we used about half of a bottle of germ-x and all came out unscathed.
Micah was seen for his two month check-up and had to get vaccines. He got three shots and one oral vaccine. So far he has not had any problems from the shots, but the oral vaccine gave him a really bad tummy ache. Micah was stripped down to nothing but a dry diaper and weighed in at 13lbs. 13oz. and was 24 inches long. He is in the 85th percentile for his weight and height. Finally, after three long weeks he is now on 100% breast milk. No more yucky formula for us. I was concerned that he would have forgotten how to nurse after having a bottle for so long, but he latched right on like he had never even stopped.
Jonah was seen for his eighteen month check-up. He did not have to get any vaccines, but had to have blood taken to check his iron and to do a lead test. Both of those came back just fine. Fully dressed down to his shoes, he weighed right at 27lbs. He is my skinny minny! His eczema seems to be changing. Instead of an all over condition, it is developing into patches over his body. This is actually a good sign that may mean it will at least be easier to control and maybe soon go away all together.
Noah was seen for a weight check. We are taking him every three months just so the doctor can monitor his weight so we can take steps to prevent it from becoming an issue in the future. He weighed 86lbs. which puts him in the 99.99th percentile. The doctor was pleased because that is actually an improvement from the last time we were there. Hopefully things will continue to improve now that we have nice enough weather to enjoy outdoor activities.
So that was our Friday. I think it will be the last time that I plan to have all three boys seen at one time. It is nice to only have to make one trip, but boy is it hectic trying to control all three boys while paying attention to what the doctor is saying.
I hate to think about the boys having to get shots, why don't they develop all oral vaccines? It's bad enough to have to get a shot when you are sick, don't make them hate doctors and shots right off the bat.
Praise God for good checkups!
I'm glad Michah is able to nurse again! What a relief for you!
CJ had her 18 month check-up today. She weighs 21.6 pounds and is 30.25" tall. Talk about petite. And two shots to top it off! :-(
I'm surprised that C.J. weighs less than Jonah, she really is a petite and precious little girl.
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