Turns out it was not a snake bite after all but some type of abscess. The vet drew off a syringe full of yucky looking stuff while in the exam room then took her in the back, numbed the area, lanced, drained, rinsed, and bandaged her up. She will be on antibiotics for ten days to make sure that she gets rid of all of the infection.
Can anyone say MRSA??? This is so eerily similar to what we just went through that it is scary. The vet says that dogs do not typically get MRSA, so that should not be a concern right now.
Anyway, we just hope and pray that Dixie gets well soon. I don't know what we would do without her.
Let's not even practice saying MRSA! We've had enough of that to last a lifetime!
Hope that Dixie Jane throws off the infection really fast.
Aww! Poor puppy! I'm glad you took her to the vet. Hopefully she gets better soon. :-) Love her name btw.
You could always adopt Ginger Bettie Faye. What does it cost for a neck brace? If I had one for Ginger Bettie Faye, maybe she wouldn’t bark as much.
She does not look happy at all in this picture. Hope she gets better soon.
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