The braggings of a busy Mom of her precious gifts from God: her hubby and four boys.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Hives And Puke

Monday, June 23, 2008
Mud Puddles

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Happy Birthday
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy Birthday

You are the bestest. I wanna cook you a birthday cake but my cooker isn't real. Me and Jonah like bugs. I got so many toys. You can come and play with all my toys. I have a lot of snakes. They are just pretend snakes. Me and Jonah love ladybugs, like 'em I mean, well like 'em and love 'em.
I'm sure Jonah feels the same way, he just can't articulate it yet! Anyway, we all agree with Noah on one thing; you are the "bestest" and we love you. Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sick Days

**UPDATE** Ears are no better. I went back to the doctor today (Friday) and he gave me a new antibiotic. I should be much better soon!
**LAST UPDATE** Sunday Evening...Ears much better. My family is much happier!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
VBS: Round 1
The theme was "God's Great Big Backyard" and was focused on serving. This is the children's procession into the church. Yes the teens are dressed funny, they were in costume for a skit.
Noah's favorite job was to collect the offering. I think I have mentioned before that he really likes to earn money. The first night we had to have a long talk about where this money was going and why he wasn't allowed to take it home with him just because he had been the one to take up the collection.
Every child earned a hand print to place on the puppet stage when they served someone else. This video is Noah receiving the hand prints he had earned throughout the week. Yes, he is licking them... he said he wanted to see if the writing would come off.
They made several really neat crafts, but Noah's favorite was the birdhouse that he painted. Of course it had orange on it, but he also used brown and blue. Maybe he is growing out of the orange stage! One can always hope:)
Carter's Ford did a great job with their bible school. They really incorporated the serving theme into every activity. Guest speakers came each night to share how they serve the community. Noah got to meet a lady who makes quilts out of her home for her family and friends, a fireman who put on all his gear and showed the kids his fire truck (thanks Scott and Marsha), a paramedic who brought an ambulance to tour, and a therapy dog that visits nursing homes and safety fairs. So not only did Noah have a great time, he also learned a lot of great safety information and how to serve Jesus by serving others.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Crickets, Crickets, And More Crickets
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
First Taste Of Watermelon

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Night Off
Friday, June 6, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Missing Little Joe's Trucking
Little Noah Priester
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
Just to let you know that little Noah Priester passed away tonight. He has gone to be with the Lord and he has fought a long hard battle for 16 months. He would have been 20 months old on June 10. He and our Bailee were born on the same day, just about 7 hours apart. Please pray for Kelvin, Tasha, and the rest of their family. Pray that the Lord will sustain them during this time. For those of us who have lost a loved one, we need to remember that prayer alone and God's grace is the only thing that brought us through, and they need to know they are in our prayers. - Love, Terry
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Yard Sale Prep
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Pictures From Joe's 32nd Birthday

Snakes, Snakes, And More Snakes!
The Shopper (a weekly sales paper) is delivered to a plastic mailbox without a door that is mounted a few feet from the real mailbox. For weeks now I have refused to get the Shopper out of the box because I saw what I thought was the beginning of a bird nest inside the box at the back. For those of you who aren't aware, I sort of have a small bird phobia. I just knew that if I pulled up to that box and rolled down my car window to grab the Shopper, a bird would come flying out of the box and into my car causing me to first pee my pants and then suffer cardiac arrest while the bird flew around trying to peck out my eyes and the eyes of my children.
Joe finally got tired of me asking him to go get the Shopper for me and decided to remove the nest. What he discovered was a nest of some sort along with a very large newly shed snake skin. My skin wants to crawl off just typing those words. So for now, though the threat of a bird is gone, I still will not be getting the Shopper out of the box. Right now I don't even want a Shopper box!
For as long as we have lived here, we have never had a problem with snakes. Now it seems as if they are everywhere. I think it has to do with the fact that the goats in the field next to us have been replaced with cattle. I have heard that snakes will not come near goats for fear of getting stomped. Maybe I should get a goat...that's an idea I have been playing with for a while now anyway, but I'll leave that for another blog.