Many thanks to my Mom for all the great pictures.

Big Joe and Little Joe loading up on food.

Jonah preferred to eat the birthday cards!

The "big" cousins...Noah, Savannah, and Susannah.

The "little" cousins... Jonah and Christina.

Hard to believe she is only 30 hours older than him!

Jonah loved playing on the floor with Pappy.

Noah just had to help Daddy blow out his candles.
What is it with men and this golf ball?
Christina looking pretty in her pink outfit.

After a hard day of partying, Joe and Jonah take a nap on the sofa.
Looks like a good time, wish we could have been there. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!
The pics are really good! Tell Joe I said Happy Birthday!!!
I really loved the picture of Joe and Jonah asleep on the sofa, if only all dads would take the time to be with their children we would have a much better world. I thank God for such a man as Joe for your husband and dad to the boys.
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