I can't believe that today makes six months since this picture was taken. It seems like only yesterday that I was introducing Noah to his new little brother. I remember how excited he was that he got what he asked for, a boy with hair! Since then Jonah has lost all of his hair and grown a little bit of new one. He has gone from nursing every two hours to eating solid foods and drinking six ounces at a time. He can now roll over in both directions, smile, laugh, squeal, and grab anything within his reach. Of course from the day we brought him home he has been able to melt our hearts with just one look. The past six months have flown by so quickly. Why is it that the older I get, the faster time seems to disappear? Anyway, this is Jonah at six months. My little butterbean is growing fast! Ignore the spit-up at the end...I couldn't get the camera off fast enough!
Spit up and all, Jonah is the apple of our eyes. I also can't believe where the last 6 months have gone, but we love our boys and almost wish we could make time stand still, but that just wouldn't be fair.
How much we have missed already! He is such a cute boy and I can't wait to get to spend some time with him and Noah this summer! I can't believe how big he is getting!!
Looks like he really loves his brother. As soon as Noah started talking Jonah perked right up.
He is a cutie! He must be just a couple of weeks younger than RJ's son, Robbie.
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