The braggings of a busy Mom of her precious gifts from God: her hubby and four boys.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Harvest Time
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Child Locks...Part Two
Today is my work outside the home day. After getting all the children buckled in with all of their various paraphernalia, (book bag and lunch for Noah, diaper bags for Jonah and Micah, and all the toys they could not live without for one day) I remembered that I had not grabbed my cell phone. I told the kids to sit tight and ran back inside. I grabbed my phone and came back to the car to a sight that made me want to just go crawl back in bed and start the whole day over. Noah has had a bit of a cold and accompanying cough. As I have mentioned before, Noah has a horrible gag reflex. He obviously started coughing as soon as I left the car and proceeded to throw up everywhere INSIDE MY CAR!!!
Noah sits in the middle, so he had tried to climb over Jonah to get out, but because of the child locks he could not get out the door. So there was puke all over the backseat and all over Jonah. Poor Jonah was just sitting there saying, "It ucky, it ucky, it ucky!"
As if that wasn't bad enough, Noah then must have realized that he could still get out of the front door of the car because he had climbed over the seats into the front seat spewing his lovely breakfast of grits and eggs all over the front of the car as well.
Joe and I have decided that we will be going back to a one vehicle household soon so we have been making our lists of what each of us wants included in the new vehicle (since we will be sharing it). His list so far is pretty extensive. My previous list was pretty simple; a bench seat in the front and four full doors. However, it has now been revised to add absolutely no child locks!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Here Comes Trouble!
No, you can't have that.
How did you get over there?
No, Jonah! You can't ride on the baby!
Oh what fun we are going to have now! Although I am excited for this milestone (Hopefully his new found independence will give me a bit of relief from having him attached to my hip 24 hours a day), I still can't help but feel as if I am losing a little more of my baby every day. They just seem to grow up much too quickly.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
New Arrivals
He is still just as bright and bubbly as ever. He loves his Mommy and loves to cuddle. He is trying to crawl, but hasn't gotten the hang of it quite yet.
His gums are a little swollen on the bottom which makes me think that more bottom teeth may be arriving soon as well. He really does not complain of them at all and so far has had an easy time of cutting his teeth. Knock on wood!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Busy Birthday Harvest Sunday

Birthday Party
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Jonah Ozious Givens
You started walking, got your first haircut, enjoyed your first taste of strawberries, and learned to put yourself to sleep in your big boy bed. Your biggest change this year was going from being the baby to being a big brother, and what a great big brother you are!
I am struggling to write this, because to be are my challenge. Your allergies, skin issues, and even your middle child personality quirks keep me on my toes constantly. Sometimes I feel like I am failing you because I can't "fix" you or even understand how to help you. I wish that I could snap my fingers and have you never hurt again, to have your skin stop peeling off, and eat a normal meal without a reaction.
Then again, I love you for your challenges. Because of you I know that ranch dressing contains eggs, I know that it is possible to puke out more than went in, and I know that some kids really do poop six times every day. You have made me stretch far out of my comfort zone. You have taught me to trust my gut. You have given me the strength to stand up to a doctor who wants to dismiss your symptoms. You have taught me exactly how long I can go without sleep and how strong my back muscles truly are.
Your spirit of determination shines through in everything that you do. I pray that you keep that as you go through life. I have never seen you "give up" when something was too hard and you remind me every day to just keep trying.
I have learned that your smile melts my heart and your laughter makes my day. I love you more than you will ever know. Happy Birthday!!!