Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crawling (Sort Of)

And he finally crawls! Well, maybe crawling is not the correct term, but at least he is mobile. I was beginning to wonder if Jonah was ever going to do anything besides roll to where he wanted to go. He loves to hold on to things and walk along them, but never wants to get down on the floor to crawl. He will be 10 months old tomorrow and today is the first day that he has even attempted anything resembling a crawl. He looks like he is part crab. He puts both hands on the ground, balances on his left knee, and pushes with his right foot flat on the ground. It is very funny to watch, but it gets him where he wants to go. He was pushing Noah's tractors and trucks all around the living room today. Along with crawling came the words I have been dreading to hear; "Mom, Jonah has the truck that I want to play with!"

1 comment:

Celeste said...

I call it the Mogley walk!!