Monday, October 5, 2009

Kid Logic

You would think that after five and a half years of raising him, I would have some clue as to what was about to come out of Noah's mouth.  However, after breaking the cat news to him he once again manages to catch me off guard.  All in the space of about two minutes he went from being sad to exclaiming, "Now this is why you really need to buy me my own rifle!"  Um....NO!
Just when I thought everything was settled down, he came at me with something so random that all I could do was laugh.
Noah:  Momma, I really wish you had been right.
Me:  Right about what?
Noah:  About Oliver being a girl.
Me:  What?
Noah:  See, if Oliver was a girl like you said he was then he would have had babies and I would still have a cat!
Me:  (trying not to laugh) Well, even as hard as I try I can't be right all the time.
Noah:  I know, but just once would have been good!
So Friday night I went to have a discussion with the neighbors. Noah wanted to come with me and I let him. I figured that it would be a good experience for him in conflict resolution. Don't laugh! I'm serious. I remember being a little girl and a "friend" stealing one of my baby dolls. Instead of my Mom going to retrieve it, she called the grandmother of the "friend" and arranged a meeting so that my "friend" and I could work it out ourselves. I learned a lot from that and will always remember the feeling of pride that I could take care of things myself. Anyway, the meeting went well. I was very impressed with Noah and we managed to come to an arrangement that should work for everyone. 
As far as getting a new cat for the kids.....We'll see.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, get the poor traumatized kids a cat! :)