We ended Jonah's birthday party by getting ready for the annual Church Harvest Fun Day. This included face paint and costumes. Linda was in charge of face paining and Granny Faye was her first client...
Makayla got her face painted like a snow tiger.
After Linda was done, I painted Granny's hair green.
She added Aunt Rita's black hat.
And here you have the finished look...1st place in the adult category!
(We still aren't sure what she actually was)
Noah, Jonah, and Micah were the three blind mice. Joe was the farmer and I was the farmer's wife. Too bad the contest was in the middle of Jonah's nap time. We did however win first place in the group costume contest.
One sleepy blind mouse.
Linda did a great job on Noah's face.
There was lots to do at the Harvest Fun Day. Everyone enjoyed face painting, bingo, two jumping castles, basketball, frying pan toss, baseball games, balloon darts, fishing with Jesus, apple bobbing, hair painting, coins in the hay, costume contests, cake walks, pumpkin carving, hot dogs, tricycle races, trunk-or-treating, and even a hay ride. It was a little chilly, so I stayed with Micah and Jonah while Joe went with Noah on the hay ride. In Noah's words...that was the bestest time EVER!

This is Mr. Jim Brown, Pa, and "Uncle" Jerry.
(They aren't wearing costumes)
Mr. Jim Brown, (in the picture above) is our new pastor. I say new not because he just filled the position, but because after many months of prayer and discussion, Joe and I have moved our membership to Rice Patch Christian Church. We have been attending and serving there for years, but finally made it official on Sunday. This is a decision that we both felt was needed and it was a blessing for us to see both sets of my parents take the time to join our congregation to watch us take that step.
1 comment:
LOVE the costume idea!! We thought about coming but had some sicklies and needed the rest. Maybe next year...
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