Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bath Night

For my kids, getting a bath is a rare treat. Both of the boys have eczema and the more baths they take, the worse it gets. So we get bath night one night a week at my house. This time around, bath night happened to fall Friday night. Of course Noah had to use my garden tub and take all sorts of toys in with him. Joe was in charge of baths because I was getting dinner ready. (Remember that important piece of info...Joe was in charge.) By the time dinner was ready, all baths had been finished. Just as we were sitting down to eat, I saw Noah run back into my bathroom. I figured he had forgotten some toy and since he was back in less than a minute, I did not question him.

After dinner, we were all sitting in the living room. Jonah had fallen asleep in Joe's arms on the couch and Noah and I were watching the discovery channel. Since it was almost Noah's bed time, I told him to go use the bathroom, and then I would lay down with him and read him a story. Noah took off to my bathroom because for some reason he is convinced that there is a coyote in his toilet and he refuses to potty there. Anyway, it was not even fifteen seconds later Noah came running back into the room crying and saying that the tub was spilling everywhere. I ran to my bathroom and sure enough, water literally met me at the door. For some still unknown reason, when Noah left the table just before dinner, he went into my bathroom and turned back on the water. Keep in mind that the water had been running for about two hours. I am still unclear as to whether or not the stopper had been removed and the water drained from the tub after the baths were finished.

I waded through the flood waters, turned off the faucet, and pulled the plug on the tub. Before I got started cleaning up all the mess, I went back to tell Joe what had happened. Noah followed and was still crying. I told him that it was okay but that he was going to have to help clean up the mess. Noah then told me that he was crying because when he saw all the water everywhere, he wet himself. I look down, and sure enough there is my child standing there with his shorts covered in pee. Why I chose this moment to break into hysterical laughter, I'll never know, but it just all seemed too funny to me at the time. I must have laughed for a good ten minutes. Every time I think about it I still laugh! Joe got Jonah down in his crib and joined in to clean up all the water. The good news...I had not done laundry, so there were plenty of dirty clothes to soak up all the water, and my bathroom floor is really clean now!


grammyjoan said...

It is so good that God created in us a sense of humor and good tickle box to turn over in us. It sure makes situations bearable. Suggestion - keep the stopper for the tub under lock and key !!!!

butterbean_girl said...

A coyote in his toilet?!

Denise C said...

I think it is so funny how ya'll always have something funny to tell! We never have anything exciting happen to us lol.

Melissa said...

Oh no! I am the same way, I laugh hysterically when things like this happen. I think when I bust out laughing it makes Tony even more frustrated with whatever the situation is.
At least your floor is all clean now! :-)