Friday, February 27, 2009

Micah Joseph Givens

Praise God! Micah has arrived at a whopping 9 lbs 3 oz and a length of 20 inches. As you can see he has chubby pink cheeks and quite a bit of hair.
Denise has had a pretty rough day of it. She began to get a little queasy in the operating room and it got worse when she came out of recovery and in her room. To combat that, they had to give her a shot and it in turn made her very sleepy.
Micah started off with blood sugars a little low, then they began to drop off after each feeding so by this afternoon they had to return him to the nursery and hook him up to an IV until they can regulate his sugars. Hopefully by tomorrow he will be back in the room with Mommy and Daddy. As you can see below, Joe has his hands full. Noah and Jonah were both tired from playing when they made it to the hospital, so they were not really very impressed with their new brother. They did manage to sit still enough for a picture or two.
I'll try to get another picture or two in here so you can all see just how beautiful Micah is. All I can say is God is Good All the Time!


Melissa said...

He is beautiful! And so big! Congratulations everyone!
I can't believe how big Jonah is--I haven't seen a picture of him in a while!
Hope baby and mommy feel better soon! Thanks for putting the pictures up, I've been thinking about you guys a lot.

Holly and Tj said...

I can't believe how big he is. Congratulations and thanks for another beautiful nephew!

Denise C said...

Congratulations!!! He is so cute! And I'm glad everything went good!

butterbean_girl said...

He looks like a "little" Little Joe. I'm so glad everything went well. Congratulations! See you Tuesday with some supper!