Saturday, February 7, 2009

PaPa Tracks

Because of hip problems, Joe's dad has walked with crutches every since I can remember. This week while visiting at Joe's parents house, Noah and I were outside looking for animal tracks. This is his newest favorite pastime. He loves to find a track and try to figure out what type of animal it came from. We saw the chicken tracks, duck tracks, dog tracks, a beaver track, and something that he claimed was a worm track (not so sure about that one). Next we found these little round marks in the ground about the size of a half dollar. Noah got very excited because he had never seen this type of track before. He followed the trail as it went around the shed, over to the tractor, up to the four wheeler and then to the back door. All of a sudden Noah stopped, looked up at me and said, "I figured it out...Those are PaPa tracks!"

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