Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our Baby This Week

I have missed a couple of weeks about our baby's development, but right now at week 34, our baby weighs about four pounds and is about eighteen inches long. His fat layers are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well.
As for me...I am SO uncomfortable! Sleeping has become a chore. As tired as I am, I still lay awake at night just waiting for daylight so the night will be over. The doctor had to put me on insulin injections about two weeks ago. I had hoped to avoid that this time around, but at least I lasted a lot longer without them this pregnancy than I did with Jonah.
Today my NST did not go as well as it had been going. The baby seems to be showing a few signs of stress, so I will now be having the NST done twice a week to monitor exactly how the baby is doing. I now have a due date. If everything goes well, I will be having a c-section on Friday, February 27th. However, that date is subject to change if my NST tests show that the condition of my placenta is deteriorating enough to cause harm to the baby. It is sort of a balancing act right now. The doctors want to give the baby enough time in the womb to develop fully, but at the same time, if my placenta is deteriorating quickly because of the diabetes, the baby would be better off outside. Please keep me, the baby, and our doctors in your prayers.
Many of you have asked me what I need for this baby, or what you can get for me. The truth is, I am still set up from Jonah, so I really don't NEED anything! For those of you who would still like to do something, I would appreciate some help after the baby comes. A meal for my family or some time spent here helping out with the baby so that I can have one on one time with each of my other boys would be great. Mom has volunteered to keep up with a schedule of everything so that I will not have to worry about having a dozen people show up to watch the boys or bring dinner in one night, so if you would like to help, you can call her and set up something that is convenient for you.

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