Jonah sleeps every night all night in his crib. However, Noah is not as cooperative. I have been determined to get Noah to sleep in his bed before this new baby arrives. Up until now I have not had very much luck. He says that his room is too scary and instead sleeps on the couch until Joe leaves for work, then climbs into bed with me. Having him in bed with me is not going to be an option considering that I will be returning from the hosptial with staples holding me together.
Last night was a milestone for us. After trying everything in the world, Noah finally decided that it was time for him to sleep in his own bed. I read him a story, helped him say his prayers, tucked him in, and he was off to dream land in his own bed. He woke up at about 2:00 and tried to climb into my bed. I sent him back to his room with instructions not to get out of his bed until the sun was putting light through his window. Amazingly, he did what I told him! He did not wake up again until 7:00 this morning. Hopefully the next couple of nights will go as smoothly as last night.
That's good he's sleeping in his own bed. I wish I could let myself let Brianna sleep in her own bed and room, but I am so scared to!
Good for Noah! Kids and going to bed, they can be so quirky.
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