Sunday, June 14, 2009

To Home School Or Not?

That is the question we (Joe and myself) find ourselves faced with right now. I have put off writing this post because I was not sure which direction my thoughts were headed. Now here I am writing it, hoping that I will figure out where my thoughts are headed.
I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching Noah at home for K4 but I find myself with conflicting emotions about next year. I wonder how I will be able to fit in being a Kindergarten teacher while adequately parenting my two younger boys. I am a stay at home Mom because that is what I desire to be and that is what works best for our family. I love being here for all of my children's 'firsts', their 'in-betweens', and most definitely their 'lasts'. I fear that I will neglect my younger two by spending so much time teaching Noah or that I will neglect giving Noah the education that he deserves because I am too focused on meeting the needs of Jonah and Micah. Both scenarios are unacceptable. So do I send Noah to school somewhere else?
So there you have confusion. Do any of you have thoughts on this issue? I am at a loss. I know that everyone has to take into account their own situation and do what is best for their family, but right now I really just need some general advice...what worked for you?


Melissa said...

You know I am in the same boat as you, although mine is a public/private debate. I know homeschool isn't for us, or at least not for R.
When I was homeschooled, it only took half the day. Do you think that would be the case with you? There is always video school too. :)
These decisions are so hard, it really makes me appreciate all that my parents did for us!
Praying for wisdom for all of us as we decide what is best for our kiddos!

Michelle Bryan said...

I'm not in your situation but I do have an observation. If you were working full time, you would probably have the younger boys in daycare. If you did that, Jonah would have some sort of learning time during the day, so you could come up with a very simple curriculum for him, even if it is trying to stay inside the lines while coloring alphabet pictures. As far as Micah is concerned, when my mom kept my cousins baby, she either had her in the classroom in a playpin or high chair while she was doing school with Leslie. You may have to take more breaks than you like to begin with, but I think you could probably work it out so you can contine teaching Noah while getting Jonah and Micah into the same routine. I don't know what kind of schedule you have for Noah's classroom time but if it is only half a day, I'm sure it would work. Besides, I am a firm believer that mom is the best educator for her kids. There are things that I never learned in public school that my mom made sure I grasped before she would allow me to move on.

grammyjoan said...

Sounds like a good plan Michelle
I also feel that a mother is a child's best teacher, we just have to make sure that Micah and Jonah don't feel like they are being slighted.
I am praying for the wisdom for you two to know God's will in this.