My baby has a serious problem. His nursing time is interfering with his smiling time. Or maybe it is that his smiling time is interfering with his nursing time. Whatever the case may be, it is definitely a problem. It just is not possible to smile and nurse at the same time. Trust me, if it were possible he would have figured it out by now because he tries his best to do both at the same time. I would post a video of the process (as it is quite humorous to watch) but while I may be comfortable enough to nurse my baby in just about any situation, posting videos or pictures of it seems to cross the line somehow. So while you don't get a picture of the said problem, you do get a picture of his smile.
This smile seems to be permanently attached to his face. That smile (combined with the squeals and coos and sounds of delight that he makes) keeps me smiling all day as well.

Baby boy loves his mama!
Have you tried covering his face so he can't see you when you nurse him?
If that is the biggest problem you are having with Micah, you are in a good place and what a cute smile it is!
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