Monday, February 20, 2012

The Taste Of Love

My Aunt Elaine makes the best chicken pot pie ever.  She has given me her recipe and I have attempted it several times.  Each time gets better than the last, but I still can't quite get it as good as hers.  I made it tonight and I must say that it was exceptionally good.  As we were sitting at the table, Jonah asked for seconds.  When I put some on his plate he asked what I had put in the pie.  I started listing off the ingredients (chicken, corn, potatoes, peas, carrots...) when he interrupted me; "But what is it that makes it taste so good?"
I smiled and winked and said, "Well that is all the love I put in!"  Jonah then picked up a large peice of the crust and said, "See this yummy part Daddy?  That is called the love!" 
I thought Joe was going to fall out of his chair laughing and I suddenly could not see past the tears that filled my eyes.  If any of you knew my Grandmother, you know why this affected me so.   Granny Faye's favorite part of anything was the crust.  You could always tell when Granny had been into any pie because the crust would be missing all the way around.  She would claim that it just fell off, but we all knew what really happened.  It is strange that simple things like pie crust can make me miss my grandmother the most.
Tonight I am thankful for family recipes, laughter, and sweet memories.  However, I am most thankful for the four little boys who constantly bring those sweet memories to life while creating new ones of their own.  I never look at pie crust without thinking of Granny Faye, and now I will not be able to look at it without thinking of her as well as Jonah's definition of love.

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