Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Have Finally Done It!

What have I done?
Four kids and nearly nine years later, I now weigh less than I did when I got married.  As of this morning I have lost a total of 70 pounds.  It is not where I need to be by any means, but it still feels good to reach this mark.

Why have I done it?
After Ezrah was born, I knew that I had to get healthy.  I refused to be insulin dependent at the age of 33.  My children deserve a Mom who has the energy to play with them and is healthy enough to be around when they reach high school.

How did I do it?
There really is no magic formula.  I simply practiced portion control and stopped eating when I was full.  I still eat the same foods I used to eat, I just don't eat as much of them anymore.  I have been trying to walk at least three times a week.  My Mom has been walking with me and that is such a big help.  When she can't join me, I let Noah and Jonah ride bikes while I try to keep up with them carrying Ezrah in his sling and pushing Micah in the stroller.  That has to be the best workout ever!

When will I reach my goal?
Never.  I do not have a goal of a certain amount of pounds or a certain size that I want to be.  My goal is to make healthy choices for myself and for my family everyday for the rest of my life.  I would love to hear any tips you may have on what, why, and how you have made healthy choices in your lives.  This is a work in progress and I can use all the advice I can get!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Keep up the good work honey. As soon as I get the go ahead from my OB...I plan to start getting my healthy! Keep us posted on your progress.