The braggings of a busy Mom of her precious gifts from God: her hubby and four boys.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I despise going to Columbia to deal with truck issues. There is so much needless bureaucracy and it is just a lot of hurry up, fill this out, wait, hurry up, fill this out, wait... It sort of reminds me of the registration process at PCC.
One of my stops today was the DMV. The closest I have ever come to being arrested was inside of a DMV, so I was not looking forward to this stop. However, I managed to get everything accomplished and even left the DMV with a small smile still in place. I think I have learned how to deal with the employees there.
1. You have to know how to do their job so that it requires no thinking on their part.
2. Never ask a question, as it throws off their entire schedule.
3. Bring a good book and snacks because you are going to be there for hours on end.
4. Do everything in the most convoluted way imaginable so as to make sure that you conform to their standards.
5. If at all possible do not make the old lady named Vi-o-let mad.
Boy if only VI-O-LET could see me now! I bet she would not even recognize me as the girl she had escorted out of the DMV and told never to least I hope she wouldn't recognize me!
I was rather proud of myself today and I am excited about some changes that we are planning with our little company. I just hope they do not involve too many more trips to Columbia.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Back To The Basics
After a weekend of bloody diarrhea, Jonah ended up back at the pediatrician's office. He believes that due to Jonah's tendencies toward developing allergies, that there is something obscure that Jonah is ingesting throwing his body off balance. The many allergy tests that Jonah has had only show eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish as allergens. We of course avoid all of those items, but there is something else that we have not figured out yet. It could be as simple as a preservative or seasoning that is added to any food that he eats.
That brings us to our new approach. Jonah is on a very limited diet. Since Monday he has only had rice, bananas, apples, bread, milk, and water. Today he had his first "normal" BM!!! We will add in one whole food every few days, making sure that there is no reaction to it. After we get a variety of whole foods re-introduced, we will then begin other things watching closely for any changes that may develop.
I can already tell that his tummy is not hurting as much as it once was, because he is not complaining nearly as much as before. I know that it is going to be a long process, but I also know that it will be well worth the trouble if it helps even a bit.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Birthday Trip

From there we picked up Noah's friend Hunter and drove to Savannah to tour the Roundhouse Railroad Museum.

Of course no trip to Savannah is complete without a trip to the Bass Pro Shop, so we had to stop by and visit the big fish tank.
Here they are with their matching trains, enjoying the ride. The reclining seats and tray tables were a big hit as well! The forty five minute train ride was just enough time for the kids to have a great experience without getting bored and restless.
As you can tell from Noah's grin in these pictures, the day was a fantastic start to year number six.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Writer's Block
So there you have it, our past week. I hope we are all caught up now! Speaking of being caught up, I just caught up on my blog reading and read a great post from one of my college friends about supporting our soldiers. She made me cry and think of my brother and his wife. Check out her post here, and let her know you visited. I'm sure she likes comments as much as I do!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Noah!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A Woman's Prayer
If and when my husband and I have a disagreement, I try very hard to keep it between the two of us and not spread it to the world. I know that eventually things will be better between the two of us, and it is enough work just to make sure that we forgive each other for our transgressions without adding to that making sure that we retract all the things we may have said to other people about something that really wasn't even their business to begin with.
That being said, let me share with you my prayer for the past few days...
Lord, I pray for wisdom to understand my husband, love to forgive him, and patience for his moods. Because if I pray for strength, I will beat him to death!
Joe and I had quite an argument Saturday afternoon and I was so upset that until today, I had not even spoken to him. (This was probably not as much of a punishment for him as I was hoping for.) Monday during nap time I was checking my e-mail, when I saw that my friend Marsha had left a **comment on one of my blog posts. Her comment said, "Good thing he didn't give up chasing you!" I had no idea what the comment referred to since it was in response to an old post, so I went back and re-read this Thanksgiving post.
**Side note here: Thank you to all of you who leave comments. I love to read them. For those of you who have never left one, it is really easy. You just click on the link that says comments directly under the post that you would like to comment on and follow the instructions. Try it out, PLEASE!
Man, talk about being convicted by your own words! As I read the words that I had written less than two months ago, I was reminded of all the things I love about my husband and now I actually can't remember why I was so upset for the past few days. After lengthy apologies from both sides tonight, (yes it took that long even after being given a swift kick by my own words) things are now back on track.Although it feels good for everything to be okay again, I think I will keep the prayer and print out my Thanksgiving post to read every day or so. I'm sure there will be a time when I will need both of them again!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas Recap
Joe and I tried to give our kids a Christmas focused on celebrating Christ, not toys. Obviously we failed to get the memo out to everyone else because my kids ended up with more toys than should ever be allowed. My uncle built them a toy box that is literally the size of my couch and gave it to them on Christmas eve. My first thought (after wondering where I was going to put such a monstrosity) was that my kids would never fill it up....ummm, think again! I knew that Uncle Tj and Aunt Holly had been working tirelessly for months with Toys 4 Tots, I just did not know that it was obviously for my children only!!!
The kids got so many toys that I have no idea who gave what or which child even owns what toy. They got toys of every shape, color and size. We have multiples of several toys, which is great. That way they do not fight over who is playing with what. They got fun toys, educational toys, loud toys, soft toys, and yes irritating toys.
I feel really bad about complaining that my children were blessed with so many toys. However, I do have to complain about one specific toy. I despise the Air Hogs UFO type thingy that Noah got from his Uncle Michael and Aunt Robyn. It is a remote controlled flying saucer that flies with the assistance of a tiny propeller. Seems innocent enough until you are standing at the stove cooking dinner and it hits you in the back of the head, its tiny propeller spinning furiously as it buries itself deep into your hair. As if my hair was not thin enough already, I now have a bald spot right in the back where Joe had to cut out the UFO. The boys (Joe included) thought it was hilarious. Me? Not so much! Michael, if you are reading this...I will get you back!
Thanks to all who gave to our family at Christmas. We have spent this week having nerf gun wars, flying saucers, racing hot wheels cars, playing memory, building towers, throwing balls, trying on new clothes, and reading books. My children are blessed to not only have gotten great gifts but to have spent time with great people who love them. Thanks again for a very Merry Christmas!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year

Let me say here that I L.O.V.E. love budgeting. I guess it is the accountant in me, but I make budgets up for everything...sometimes to a fault. When we go on vacation I even take my little portfolio with me than has all of our itineraries and budgets in it. My favorite part of our last vacation was sitting down at the end of the day to see if we had come in "under budget" for the day and see how much money we had saved. Needless to say, this drives Joe crazy!
I am so excited about this year's budget that I can barely sit still! I cut my grocery budget way under what I think is reasonable and it is going to be a great challenge. So if you happen to see me out and about in town shifting money from one envelope to the other with calculator in hand, don't worry...I'm not destitute, I'm just having a good time!
Do you make new year's resolutions? If so, what are they and do you plan on enjoying them?