Let me say here that I L.O.V.E. love budgeting. I guess it is the accountant in me, but I make budgets up for everything...sometimes to a fault. When we go on vacation I even take my little portfolio with me than has all of our itineraries and budgets in it. My favorite part of our last vacation was sitting down at the end of the day to see if we had come in "under budget" for the day and see how much money we had saved. Needless to say, this drives Joe crazy!
I am so excited about this year's budget that I can barely sit still! I cut my grocery budget way under what I think is reasonable and it is going to be a great challenge. So if you happen to see me out and about in town shifting money from one envelope to the other with calculator in hand, don't worry...I'm not destitute, I'm just having a good time!
Do you make new year's resolutions? If so, what are they and do you plan on enjoying them?
I told Husband we were going to do the same thing. I just don't know how much to budget for groceries. I include just about everything in that group--toiletries, school expenses, etc., so I'm just at a loss. And groceries alone, I don't even know what I spend. We want to do the cash/envelope system that Dave Ramsey recommends. Is that what you are doing?
Too bad you aren't closer, you could have lots of fun helping me out! LOL
Yes, Melissa we are using the cash/envelope system. I put toiletries into their own group (with diapers) and we have an account set up for Noah's tuition, so school expenses come out of that. We also get lots of veggies out of the garden and eat venison so that helps out on the grocery budget.
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