Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another First

Yesterday, Joe and I took the boys to meet Grammy and Pa at the Beaufort Water Festival Parade. After the Parade, Grammy asked who wanted to go back to the river to spend the night with her and Pa. Noah and Jonah jumped at the chance. Other than the night that I thought I was going into labor and when I was in the hospital, my kids have never spent the night away from home. Since I am determined to work out some of my crazy control issues, I agreed to let them stay the night without me.
From all accounts I got when they came home this afternoon, they had a great time. They visited with friends, played in the sand, and went to church down at the water before coming home this afternoon.
Amazingly enough, I had a great time as well. I spent a lot of time hanging out with Micah and treating him like an only child. However, I must admit I was more than ready to see my other two by this afternoon. Hard to believe that I actually MISSED the noise!!


Michelle Bryan said...

After reading your account of "back to normal", I know your house seemed like a black hole of silence with only one of your babies around.
Congratulations on the first step towards letting go (in reference to your control issues). I can't imagine how difficult it was for you, especially with them being an hour away.

Holly and Tj said...

Since you are trying to come to terms with your 'control issues' why don't you let us have them for a week or so?! We will work something out, as far as getting them here and I will even bring them back in the truck. That way you will solve two 'issues' at once! lol
It is something to think about!
Love ya!

Denise said...

I am not letting Joe read the comments, he would probably be willing to trade at least one of the kids for your new truck.
I on the other hand don't know that I will ever come to terms with my 'control issues' enough for any of my kids to have an out of state, week long stay, with my brother as one of the "adults" in charge!
Then again, we are starting potty training soon...