I have been seeing what I thought were the signs of a mouse for a few weeks now, but Joe kept insisting that I was imagining things. I never could find the mouse but I kept finding a "gift" from him here and there. Last night, I was sitting in the bedroom rocking Jonah in the recliner, when I looked up and saw the creature walk into my bedroom and under my bed! My mind knows that a mouse is tiny and scared and can't hurt me, but my body doesn't want to believe my mind. Joe and Noah were in the living room, but it only took them seconds to get to the bedroom after my screaming started. They looked everywhere for the mouse and of course could not find it. They decided to jump on the bed and see if they could not scare it out. At this point, I am standing in the recliner with my heart about to beat out of my chest. As Joe and Noah are having a grand old time jumping on the bed, I see the mouse run out from under the bed and into the front living room under the piano.
AAHH! The screaming starts again and wouldn't you know it, I am the only one who saw the mouse. Joe and Noah now really think I am going crazy and seeing things. Joe suggests that it is the pregnancy hormones. They got out flashlights and looked under the piano while I stood on the couch directing them. Finally, Joe and Noah spot the mouse. Joe says, "It's just a baby, I can't believe you are scared of that little thing." Noah then chimes in, "Mommy please don't kill it, he is so cute, why don't you want little baby mouses to live?" I finally agreed that we would not kill it, but that it HAD to be out of my house. They blocked off all the exits around the piano except for one and tried to run the mouse out and into their trap (a cardboard box). Needless to say, it didn't work. Since it takes at least three strong men to move my piano, Joe and Noah could not get the mouse to come out. So now, there is still a mouse in my piano. If they can't get it out tonight, I am going to buy a trap, not a cardboard one but a big metal one that will chop off his head!