Noah has a blue beta fish named Willie Blue Fishy. A few nights ago, after being told not to, Noah decided to feed the fish by himself. In the process, he dumped half of the bottle of fish food in the bowl. Upon seeing this, Joe said something along the lines of "what are you trying to do, kill him?" At this point Noah breaks into tears because of course he wasn't trying to kill his fish. While Joe tried to calm Noah down, I tried to get the fish taken care of. After I dug through the fish food for a while, I finally found him, got him out, cleaned the bowl, and got him back in. I think the shock of everything was a bit much for such a tiny little fish.
Yesterday, Willie Blue Fishy was floating backwards near the top of the water. I watched all day as it got worse. I could not stand the thought of the fish dying and Noah thinking it was all his fault. Joe was working late, so I dropped the kids off at Mom's house and headed to Wal-Mart to buy another blue beta and switch them out before Noah noticed. When I got home, Willie Blue Fishy looked worse but was not dead. I could not bring myself to flush a live fish down the toilet, so I decided to wait until this morning to take care of it.
Yep, you guessed it, this morning Willie Blue Fishy was swimming around as if nothing had ever happened. Not only did I make a trip to town for nothing, now I am stuck with $3.57 fish that is identical to Willie Blue Fishy and can't go in the same bowl.
Well, you could always put the twin to Willie in the top of you closet till something happens to Willie or you could put them in side by side tanks and watch them try to attack each other through the glass.
This would only happen to you. LOL
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