Jonah has been doing much better since we have started with the newest medicine. I had cancelled the appointment with the specialist on Monday and was looking forward to a week with no doctors. I had such plans for the day, clean the house, practice soccer with Noah, get baby food made up for Jonah, the list goes on and on. My plans however went out the window when Joe called at about 10:00. He apparently had slipped while getting off the loader at work and in the process of trying to catch himself, ripped a gash in the palm of his hand. We ended up at the doctors office with him getting six stitches and a tetanus shot. For those of you who know my husband, this was no easy task. My Joseph is wonderful, but he can't stand needles or blood. He even leaves the room when the dog has blood drawn. Thankfully he made it though this time without passing out, although there was one time there that I was a little worried. I wanted to video the whole thing for future blackmail, but I figured as the supportive wife, maybe that was a bad idea. I did manage to get a quick picture of Joe and Noah just before they started stitching!
Silver lining in it all... Joe has to take it easy with his hand for a few days. This means no work and more time at home. Yippee!!
Silver lining in it all... Joe has to take it easy with his hand for a few days. This means no work and more time at home. Yippee!!
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