Friday, March 28, 2008

A Clean House

I had to work two days this week. Yesterday, the boys went to Kellie's house and had a great time. I went to work today and Kellie was not available, so Denise Crosby came to my house to watch the boys. When I left for work, my house was a mess. However, when I walked in from work, my house was clean. Not only had Denise done a great job babysitting, she also had swept, vacuumed, done the dishes and even mopped the floor. A clean house is something very rare around here. I was so excited, I called Joe to bring home supper so I would not have to mess up my kitchen cooking. Joe was very impressed that I had managed to work all day and then come home and whip the house into shape. After much internal debating, I finally confessed that it was not his wife, but the other Denise who deserved the credit. Many thanks Denise, you made my day... and my weekend!


Celeste said...

I need someone ike that, ho much does she charge?

Denise C said...

I'm glad you like it =). I hope you don't think I did it to get paid more lol...I just love cleaning other people's houses...but I hate cleaning mine =). I had so much fun keeping Jonah Friday and keeping Jonah and Noah today. Noah loves to talk lol...the things he says is so funny!!!