Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Important Dates

This is too funny not to share.
Joe got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago. (Not the funny part.) He HAS to go to court to see the judge. (Again, not the funny part.) Anyway, the court date is July 21st.
I was telling him that he needed to make sure that he told the crew that he would be taking off July 21st because he has to go to Springfield, GA for court. He got this strange look on his face and said, "I think there is something else going on that day. For some reason that date sounds familiar. I'm not sure what it is but I am sure that I'm not supposed to forget it."
This is the funny part!! See, I know why July 21st sounds familiar. Some of you reading this also know why July 21st is familiar. Joe's ex-fiance's birthday is July 21st. (Gasp! Yes, Joe was engaged to someone else before me!) I'm sure at one point in his life this was a very important date and he drilled it into his memory banks so as to never forget it.
I was trying my best not to laugh (and figure out a way to use this to my advantage) as he struggled to remember what was so important about that date. I could tell from his expression the minute he realized what that date was. He then tried to play it off by saying, "Oh, it probably had something to do with the water festival...I'm sure it wasn't that important." I couldn't stop the laughter. I had to confess to him that I had known all along. He then joined in and we both had a good laugh.
We have come to realize that it is the past that makes us who we are. It forever scars shapes us and we don't really have to forget it and move on, but rather appreciate it for what we learned. If we can do that and still have humor, all the better. I mean you really have to find humor in our situation. My husband's ex-fiance's sister married my brother, who was once engaged to my husband's cousin, who also happens to be the cousin of my brother's wife and the cousin of my husband's ex-fiance. In the end, I think we all can agree that we wound up married to the mate that God had picked for each of us. However grateful I am of that fact, I still find our convoluted process of getting there quite funny!


butterbean_girl said...

Wow! Even though I know the whole story I had to re-read that last part. I completely agree with you. We all ended up with who the Lord had in mind for us but boy the memories of getting there. That's why I hold on to the scripture Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. The whole bunch of us love the Lord and he has been there directing our paths all the while, even if we fell off the path for a little bit! I feel very blessed to call you my friend.

Holly and Tj said...

Talk about a straight family tree! That is awesome and confusing. The sad thing is that I had a bad feeling that Joe was going to be my brother one day, just didn't realize how it would end up coming true! Just kidding Joe, I love you!