Monday, June 22, 2009


This post really isn't about communion at all, but rather about Noah. However, you may need a little background info in order to understand the post.
Our church has communion every Sunday. Although many parents allow their children to take communion before they have made a firm decision for Christ, Joe and I believe that communion is for believers and will not allow our children to partake until they have publicly accepted Jesus as their savior. (We may be wrong, very possibly are, but it is our life, our kids, our faith, and our decision.) That being said, it is difficult to explain communion to small children who just see that they don't get to have "juice and cookies" during church.
We have been discussing the plan of salvation with Noah for a while, but I don't think that he fully understands. I mean, I know he is ONLY five, but we try to answer all of his questions honestly, pray for him daily, and prepare him for the day that he feels the tugging of his spirit. We are very conscious of the fact that this has to be Noah's decision, made in God's time. (I don't think I did a very good job explaining that, but I am in a hurry...hopefully you get the drift.)
On our way to church yesterday morning, Noah leaned forward and whispered to me...

Momma, I need to tell you something.
Go ahead Noah, tell me what it is.
I'm ready to ask Jesus to live in my heart.
Noah that is great, do you want to pray right now?
Yeah, I'm really hungry and I think I am going to need that juice and cookies in church today!

After a long discussion about the fact that partaking in communion was not the reason that you should ask Jesus into your heart, Noah decided he wanted to wait for a while anyway. Ah, the joys of motherhood and trying to figure out the workings of a child's mind.

1 comment:

grammyjoan said...

Just goes to prove that there can be humor in every situation!
Thank God for the little minds that are pondering accepting Jesus into their hearts.