Monday, January 3, 2011

Can You Guess?

Which one of our children licked a lit sparkler on New Year's Eve?
Which one of our children wrecked the go-kart into the ditch?
Which one of our children discovered the BIG reaction you get when you moon someone?


Melissa said...

are they all the same kid?

Denise said...

No Melissa, one for each.

Holly and Tj said...

Micah licked the sparkler?
Noah wrecked the go-kart?
Jonah mooned someone?

All have very interesting stories to go along, I am sure!

Denise said...

Aunt Holly you know your nephews well!

grammyjoan said...

Good for you and T.J. Holly, I would naturally have guessed Micah for the sparkler cause he loves to eat anything and Noah for the go-kart but I have to find out the story behind Jonah mooning someone!