Friday, January 14, 2011


All of my boys have gone through various phases in their lives. 
When Noah was about three he was fascinated with guns, knives, blood, and guts.  I was convinced that he was going to grow up to be a serial killer, but sure enough it was just a phase that he eventually grew out of. 
Last year, Jonah started obsessing over rooms that had open doors.  He had to have every door shut all of the time.  I thought that we were going to have to live with severe OCD for the rest of our lives, but once again it was just a phase.
Now Jonah is the one obsessed with blood and guts; and Micah is the one constantly closing every door in the house.  Sure it is annoying, but I know that it is just a phase. Because of that knowledge, I no longer lay awake at night planning out visits to see my children at the state penitentiary or mental institution.
So what phases have your children gone through?


Holly and Tj said...

Tj is still going through the guns, knives, blood and guts phase and I am still going through the having to have all the doors closed phase!
Sometimes you just doing grow out of them! lol

Denise said...

Too funny Holly!

**TRACY** said...

My mom is concerned that my oldest son will be a stalker because when he is obsessed with something, boy is he OBSESSED! When he was about 2 or 3 he carried a stuffed puppy and little action figure that he called "bad man" EVERYWHERE! I remember at Christmas he only opened presents with one hand because he would NOT put them down. Then there was the Indiana Jones phase, the Mario brothers phase, and most recently, the Billy the Exterminator phase (gulp). I'm really beginning to miss the bad man. Puppy is still with us.