Friday, January 21, 2011

The Important Things

If you know me well then you know that I really do not care for country music.  It is not just country music...I really don't care for very much music at all.  My "pickiness" about music has gotten worse as I have gotten older.  I think it has something to do with having so much "noise" around me all the time from three little boys that when given the chance I actually prefer silence over any form of music.
Anyway, today as I was driving to Edisto the kids fell asleep and I needed something to keep me awake so I turned on the radio.  I heard this song and although the country music grated on my nerves, the words seemed as if they were taken straight from my heart.  I came home and looked up the song online.  I do not think it is new by any means, but I thought I would share it in case there are those of you out there who like me only listen to the radio once or twice a year!

So aside from keeping the radio turned to country those are exactly the things that are important to me.  What is important to you?

1 comment:

butterbean_girl said...

That 'bout says it all. Thanks for sharing.