Friday, January 28, 2011

Potty Training Update

In theory it is pretty exciting...

...but in reality it is just plain boring.

Jonah has the flu and that has put his potty training on hold, but neither boy was really having any success at all.  I guess we will try again in a few weeks.  At least Micah has stopped pooping in random places around the least I think he has!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Potty Training

I have a three year old who refuses to sit on the potty and a nearly two year old that has starting taking off his diaper and squatting behind the couch to poop.  I am about to loose my mind and have decided that enough is enough.  Pray for me these next couple of weeks as I attempt to potty train two boys at one time.  It is sure to be an interesting ride!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Technology used to be my friend.  Now I think it conspires against me.  This all started last year sometime when I had to get a new cell phone.  At first I hated the thought of getting rid of my old cell (that was held together with duct tape) but the more I used my new phone, the more I liked it.  My kids liked it too...therein lies the problem. 
First, Micah bought a ring back on my cell phone and I can not figure our how to get it off.  I did not even realize it was on there until my Mom called one day and asked what I had done to my phone.  I had no idea what she was talking about so I called myself and heard, "Please enjoy the music while your party is reached" after which came this horrible rap music.  I was appalled that people had been hearing this when they called me...and still hear it since I can not figure out how to remove it.  Most people call and hang up because they can not believe they actually have the right number.
That leads me to my second problem.  When people call and hang up, I try and call them back to let them know that it really is me.  The problem lies in that my phone has a mind of it's own.  The key pad on my phone is confused.  When I press the number eight, it dials the number two.  When I press the number two, it dials the number eight.  All of the numbers are that way.  It really is like trying to dial in Morse code or something, and you can forget about texting...oh my!  If I ever do get to connect somewhere I pray that there is a real life person on the other end and not a computer since the phone also dials the number two as soon as it connects.  That means that if I have to follow any instructions for a directory they are in Spanish.
I took the phone into Verizon to have someone look at it and wouldn't you know that it works perfectly while in the store or in the parking lot of the store.  However, if I get farther than the parking lot it acts up again.
So my options are:
Stay in or near a Verizon store when I want to use my cell phone.
Risk embarrassment a third time by asking for help in a Verizon store.

As it is I will still be embarrassed every time someone calls my phone and hears that crazy rap music.  My Dad has gotten into the habit of calling several times a day just to hear my music.  He says he enjoys it.  I'm glad someone is getting pleasure from my trials, because I am ready to throw my hands up and quit!

The Important Things

If you know me well then you know that I really do not care for country music.  It is not just country music...I really don't care for very much music at all.  My "pickiness" about music has gotten worse as I have gotten older.  I think it has something to do with having so much "noise" around me all the time from three little boys that when given the chance I actually prefer silence over any form of music.
Anyway, today as I was driving to Edisto the kids fell asleep and I needed something to keep me awake so I turned on the radio.  I heard this song and although the country music grated on my nerves, the words seemed as if they were taken straight from my heart.  I came home and looked up the song online.  I do not think it is new by any means, but I thought I would share it in case there are those of you out there who like me only listen to the radio once or twice a year!

So aside from keeping the radio turned to country those are exactly the things that are important to me.  What is important to you?

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Noah has finally mastered the art of tying his own shoes.  It has been a LONG time coming, and I was beginning to think that we were going to be shopping for velcro shoes until he was in college.  I am so proud of him for learning, and also relieved that I am now only responsible for tying six shoes instead of my usual eight.
However, I also can't help but feel a little sad as well. Everyday my children need me less and less.  For over seven years now my life has been consumed by the needs of my children and while I am sure that it will still be that way for many years to come, every milestone reminds me of the looming date in the future when they really don't need me at all.  I'm working myself out of a job!
What will I do with all my extra time when I no longer have to clip sixty extra finger and toe nails?  What will I do with all the extra space when I am no longer storing four seasons of clothes in every size?  What will I do with all the extra money I save on groceries?  Hmmm....that one may be kind of nice!
It just makes me think about life after kids.  I'm sure it will not be anything like life before kids.  While that was nice too, I didn't know how deep love really ran before I had kids.  Because of that love, my life has been changed forever...and I am so glad that it has!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


There is nothing like being awakened by cries of "Mommy please" at two in the morning by a nearly two year old just so he can get a foot rub.  Nope, my kids are not spoiled at all.

Friday, January 14, 2011


All of my boys have gone through various phases in their lives. 
When Noah was about three he was fascinated with guns, knives, blood, and guts.  I was convinced that he was going to grow up to be a serial killer, but sure enough it was just a phase that he eventually grew out of. 
Last year, Jonah started obsessing over rooms that had open doors.  He had to have every door shut all of the time.  I thought that we were going to have to live with severe OCD for the rest of our lives, but once again it was just a phase.
Now Jonah is the one obsessed with blood and guts; and Micah is the one constantly closing every door in the house.  Sure it is annoying, but I know that it is just a phase. Because of that knowledge, I no longer lay awake at night planning out visits to see my children at the state penitentiary or mental institution.
So what phases have your children gone through?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Birthday Bust

We had Noah's birthday party here at the house Sunday afternoon after church.  We decided to do just a small family gathering since Noah's big birthday present is that he and I will be going on a trip to DC in the spring.
We invited seven of his friends to come over along with the family for lunch.  We had all of Noah's favorites: spaghetti, cheese biscuits, seven layer salad, and green beans.  Linda made a Lego chocolate cake for dessert.
The food and fellowship was all good but none of Noah's friends were able to come.  There is a really nasty stomach bug going around and since we have already had it (more than once) we were very appreciative that they did not come and bring their germs but it was still sad for Noah not to have any of his friends here.  Good thing that he got a new set of Lego's because it conveniently took his mind off of the fact that the average age of his birthday guests was well above thirty.
Poor Jonah had a rough day as well.  Just before everyone got there he decided to show Granny Faye how fast he could run and ran straight into my step stool bursting his lip wide open.
I really thought we were going to have to go to the ER and have them put a stitch in it but it looked much better as the day went on and today he is not even complaining about it.  I have never been squeamish at the sight of blood but even I could not look at it right after it happened without feeling really sick to my stomach.  I think it makes a difference when your child is the one doing the bleeding.
Micah as usual was not shy about cheesing for the camera.  I have never seen a child that loves having pictures taken like this one does. It was a good day in the end but a birthday party it was not so I guess we will be having a rather large play date in the near future...after this nasty tummy bug has passed.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Birthday... my SEVEN year old!

I can't believe that it was seven years ago that your Daddy and I brought you home from the hospital.  You have grown into such an interesting boy, a great big brother, and the best seven year old that we could ever ask for.

This year a new world was opened up to you as you discovered Lego's.  You spend hours creating machines, buildings, robots, and space ships.  You have your Daddy's mechanical mind and you amaze me how quickly you pick up on things.

You favorite part of school is art class and math is your best subject.  Just the other day you tried to stump me with a math problem.  You said, "If I walked two quarters of two miles then how many miles would I have walked?"  I really do not know where that comes from.

You asked Jesus into your heart this year and it was a proud moment when Daddy and I watched you be baptized.  You always remember to say your prayers and often remind us when we forget.  It is so neat watching you grow in the Lord and desire to do His will.

You are my "rule follower".  You want to understand the rules and don't like it when people (especially your brothers) break them.  You like to make up your own rules as well!

You bring joy to our lives every day and we can't imagine a world without our Noah.  Happy Birthday to my seven year old!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



...breakfasts fed.
...heads of hair cut.
...lunches fixed.
...Christmas trees down.
...boys taking naps at the same time.   (I wish!)
...hours of teaching.
...chocolate cupcake snacks.
...loads of laundry complete.
...suppers served.
...night-time prayers heard.
...kisses goodnight.

Three amazing blessings from God!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Can You Guess?

Which one of our children licked a lit sparkler on New Year's Eve?
Which one of our children wrecked the go-kart into the ditch?
Which one of our children discovered the BIG reaction you get when you moon someone?